Thursday, January 14, 2010

Medical Emergency Flights When To Passenger Airlines Land Due To An Onboard Medical Emergency?

When to passenger airlines land due to an onboard medical emergency? - medical emergency flights

We have booked us on a transatlantic flight, and apparently suffered a woman aboard a stroke. This happened when we enter the North American coast. The flight lasted three hours before landing. As the master decided to send a plane for a sick person can ask for help to the country?


Techwing said...

The planes have to do the same problem as buses or trains. When a bus sample countries have a medical emergency, what should I do? Stop at a truck stop? Next to a destination with the sophisticated medical care? The same goes for a train grinds at the next station stopped, whatever, or take a city with a decent hospital?

The captain decides) based on the advice of medical staff (on board or radio, as described above. Specialists who master an idea of what is necessary degree of caution and when. On this basis, the captain decides to turn back, then the flight to another destination, or simply continue with the original goal. It is also take into account the time required for land and the various airports, which are accessible at various intervals and the probability of the neighboring factory.

It takes at least 20-30 minutes to land, even if the control plane from the airport. It's still 20 minutes or more for transplocation of the patient. If the patient needs attention within 3 minutes in order to survive, it is fruitless to try to abduct her, just do what I can on board. If the patient is stabilized and will not be in question of life or death in the short term, may continue to their destination. If special precautions at a time when your ability at an airport, where care is available land suits are necessary, it might be useful to distract. If you divert to an airport that is 80 miles from the nearest hospital with appropriate means, however, the gap-even worse than theft.

A complaint can be tricky because it depends both on medical factors and the factors for the practice of aeronautics. But nobody throws himself into the ground at once ", which only happens in movies.

If someone really dies on board, is the most sensible option is simply the fate further.

Yankees3... said...

Everything depends on the medical emergency. For the serious as a stroke, the pilot must be able to find the nearest airport with a runway enough for him to land the aircraft and provide an airport with a hospital that adequate medical care.

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