Friday, January 15, 2010

Church Audit I Am Thinking About Signing Up For Auditing With The Church Of Scientology?

I am thinking about signing up for auditing with the Church of Scientology? - church audit

I never went to church, and I do not know how everything works. Scientologists want to check before departure. It's seems strange, but I've heard people talk about tithing, other churches up to 10% of their income to their. So it is really a big deal to pay?


Anonymous said...

You're about to become involved in a modern cult. Once you're in it's very hard to leave. I've said too much. Google is you're friend

Freezone... said...

Go to the free areas to achieve what you want. You have to go to the Scientology Church, to those responses and, in fact, I warned that go there to get to get those answers. uses the same technology, but without folly. Promise!

It is different from the payment of another church, and you pay for is to do certain things, and for an education or counseling. The problem is that you can never have enough money and can pay more and more, so no doubt do very much higher than 10%.

If you are not very rich, who have never achieved the goals that states that go to church. Find a person alive who has the highest level reached is not very rich. Try. You can not because they do not exist. And if they try to tell them to join the staff in exchange for services, run the other way because they never really give what they are, with the promise that either.
Even if you are really interested in the spiritual / b lifeetterment, look at the free zone. = O)

Theta Works said...

This is no different to all pay 10% of their income to their church. Churches also have expenses such as training of examiners and the buildings kept in this location (heat, electricity, etc..) Is that what you pay for buying the services of Scientology. Remember that their donations to help our programs to finance the improvement of social

See the following link

As for you, is not likely for a test if you have accepted your personal goals for this.

Goethe said...

Scientology is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme offers the followers UPS donate. They promise a lot, on request, including (expensive) classes and never stop growing demand for money. Sign in Toastmasters if you want to gain confidence and learn about the people, is Scientology a cult.

Goethe said...

Scientology is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme offers the followers UPS donate. They promise a lot, on request, including (expensive) classes and never stop growing demand for money. Sign in Toastmasters if you want to gain confidence and learn about the people, is Scientology a cult.

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